
Study MBBS in Georgia

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Studying MBBS in Georgia will set you on the path to become a qualified medical practitioner. Gain access to cutting-edge facilities, a multicultural campus, and reasonably priced tuition while earning a degree that is recognized throughout the world.

Study MBBS in Georgia

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    Study MBBS in Georgia

    Highlights of MBBS in Georgia

    Georgia, the ancient country with more than 25 century of history, is a bridge between Europe and Asia. Tbilisi is the capital of Georgia and is ranked as world’s top 10 safest cities. Tbilisi is significant industrial, social, and cultural center. Georgia is packed with natural beauty, a state with full of surprises – from mountains to beaches, marshes, canyons, forests, and even islands. Tbilisi has become the main artery of the Georgian educational system. Tbilisi is the home to several major institutions of higher education in Georgia.
    Study MBBS in Georgia

    Advantages of studying MBBS in Georgia

    Top-Ranked MCI-Approved

    Universities in Georgia


    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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