
Study in Ireland

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There are so many reasons why international students want to study abroad in Ireland. Once they’ve made the decision to study abroad in Ireland, many will choose to live and study in the capital city of Dublin. If you are trying to decide where to study abroad for your undergraduate or graduate degree, read on to find out why so many international students have chosen Ireland and Dublin.

Study in Ireland

Study abroad in Ireland – for so many reasons!

One of the main reasons that international undergraduate and graduate students opt to study abroad in Ireland is that it is a perfect destination for anyone who wants a world-class education. Especially a world-class education in a progressive, innovative country with promising career options. Ireland is also an ideal destination for international students interested in stunning scenery, beautiful coastal and mountain walks, ancient culture and architecture. Those who prefer the indoors life will love Ireland’s numerous museums and art galleries, gourmet food, coffee culture and cosy pubs with their traditional live music.

Scholarships for International Students who Study Abroad in Ireland

UCD offers a wide variety of scholarships and awards for international students who choose to study abroad in Ireland. These awards are highly regarded by employers and industry and celebrate the diverse talents of our students.

There are also a number of Global Excellence Scholarships available to international students. They are competitively awarded based on academic merit and offered by country and/or by discipline. (Students must hold an offer before they can apply for a scholarship and full terms and conditions apply).

So there you have it! Just a few of the many reasons why international students choose to study abroad in Ireland. Why not check out our Ireland page for more about the land of a thousand welcomes. Or watch our YouTube videos to hear directly from international students why they call Ireland their home away from home.

You can also send our friendly team an enquiry at any time if you have more questions about studying abroad in Ireland!

Benefits of studying in Ireland
  • Courses are taught in English.
  • Courses are globally recognised and accredited by leading academic bodies.
  • Scholarships are given for deserving students.
  • Strong Asian community.
  • Close proximity to London and is well-connected to the rest of Europe – the student life is something everyone must experience.
  • A land of astounding beauty with some amazing cliffs, lakes and beaches.
  • Dublin is a tech hub in Ireland. It is Google’s European headquarters as well.
  • Ireland is known as the largest exporter of software worldwide and is also well-known for its pharmaceutical industries.
  • International students studying at Irish institutions have options to work part-time for 20 hours /week.
  • The country has 4.4% of unemployment rate.
  • Ireland also offers 1 year postgraduate and accepts MBA admissions (in certain cases) without any prior work experience.
  • Due to the technological advancements in Dublin, and other cities in Ireland, most universities have good rapport with industries; therefore, students find it easy to find a job.
  • Also most universities encourage students to take up internships with popular companies, to become job-ready graduates.
  • Ireland has a 2 year stay-back option for postgraduates studying at Irish institutions.
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