
Study in New Zealand

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Benefits of Studying in New Zealand- New Zealand has become a popular study abroad destination for international students due to various reasons. The country has top-class universities offering a variety of courses. The requirements to study here are reasonable. Among the benefits of studying in New Zealand is that you can apply for a New Zealand student visa once you gain admission to a university here. International students can find the course of their choice in these universities and can explore various areas of research based on their interests. New Zealand also offers a safe and secure environment for students. Apart from this, the government here takes care of international students and their welfare, so this becomes one of the benefits of studying in New Zealand for Indian students. The tuition fees and living expenses are affordable. New Zealand also offers plenty of opportunities for adventure and exploration. Read further to understand why study in New Zealand is better compared to other countries.
Study in New Zealand

10 Reasons to Study in New Zealand

The universities in New Zealand rank among the best in the world. The country has eight well-known universities among which the University of Auckland is the most popular making it one of the best benefits of studying in New Zealand for international students. Below is the QS ranking of New Zealand universities for 2024:
Name of UniversityQS Ranking 2024
The University of Auckland68
University of Otago206
Victoria University of Wellington241
University of Canterbury256
Massey University239
Lincoln University362
University of Waikato250
Auckland University of Technology407
Study in New Zealand

Wide variety of courses with a focus on innovation

Another benefit of studying in New Zealand is that the universities here offer a wide range of courses in a variety of subjects so that you can choose what appeals to your interests. The education system here puts emphasis on innovation and research. The universities here focus on research and development in various fields such as agriculture, engineering, healthcare, physics, geology, computer science, astronomy etc.
Work while you study

International students can work up to 20 hours per week during their course and full-time during vacations. The pre-conditions for working while studying in New Zealand are the student must be in a full-time course and the course must be worth 120 credits. The pay is good and can help students meet some percentage of their expenses. Those who are pursuing a master’s program or a PhD can work full-time. This is counted as an important benefit of studying in New Zealand.

Stay back after your education in New Zealand

Students can stay back in New Zealand for up to three years depending on the course they are studying. Staying back after your education allows you to look for jobs in New Zealand. Students can apply for any of the following post-study visas once they finish their studies:

  • The open visa is available for all international students and is valid for 12 months.
  • The employer-assisted visa allows students to work in a specific job for two additional years after the open visa expires.
  • For permanent residency or PR in New Zealand, you can apply for the Skilled Migrant Visa after your studies.
Job Opportunities

Another benefit of studying in New Zealand is that the stay-back period provides the students a great opportunity to apply for jobs and work after study in New Zealand country. The government itself lists the multiple ways of sourcing jobs in New Zealand for international students. These jobs in New Zealand come along with a great work culture and provide a work-life balance for the employees.

Safe and secure environment

As we mentioned earlier, New Zealand offers a safe and secure environment for international students. The country has a low crime rate and the people here are warm and friendly. International students are looked after well by New Zealand universities that are bound by a code of conduct imposed by the government.

Diverse student population

Students from all over the world come to study in New Zealand. This gives you the opportunity to interact with a diverse group of people, a variety of cultures and backgrounds. This will improve your social skills, knowledge and appreciation of other people and cultures.

Exciting outdoor life

New Zealand has the potential to give students an exciting outdoor life. The green hills, sandy beaches, rainforests and snow-capped mountains give them numerous options to explore and experience the natural beauty of the country.

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