
Study MBBS in Belarus

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Studying MBBS in Belarus will set you on the path to become a qualified medical practitioner. Gain access to cutting-edge facilities, a multicultural campus, and reasonably priced tuition while earning a degree that is recognized throughout the world.

Study MBBS in Belarus

Quick Facts

Belarus, officially the Republic of Belarus, is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe. It is bordered by Russia to the east and northeast, Ukraine to the south, Poland to the west, and Lithuania and Latvia to the northwest. 
Capital: Minsk
Official languages: BelarusianRussian
Currency: Belarusian ruble
Population: 92.3 lakhs (2022) World Bank
Dialing code: +375
Gross domestic product: 7,279.35 crores USD (2022)
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    Study MBBS in Belarus

    Highlights of MBBS in Belarus

    Studying MBBS in Belarus offers affordable tuition and high-quality education with globally recognized degrees. English-medium programs, modern infrastructure, and experienced faculty provide a comprehensive medical education. Belarusian universities also offer extensive clinical training and a safe, welcoming environment, making it an attractive destination for international students.

    Study MBBS in Belarus

    Advantages of studying MBBS in Belarus

    Top-Ranked MCI-Approved

    Universities in Belarus


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